
Look out for the best flight deals this summer.

Exact day to book the cheapest flights

As Aussies prepare for their summer vacations, many will be looking for affordable flights to their next vacation spot.

But did you know that choosing a specific day to book your tickets would get you the best prices? Or that you would be able to save considerably more if your flight left on a particular day?

According to Expedia research, these are the greatest tips for cutting costs on your next trip.

The best day to book your flights

Expedia discovered that people who make their reservations on Sundays rather than Fridays tend to save, on average, 20% on domestic flights and 18% on foreign flights.

Aussies should also try to plan their international and domestic flights at least a month in advance of their trips.

When compared to those who waited until the last minute, travelers who booked their domestic flights at least 14 weeks in advance typically saved 20%.

Although the six months before departure are when international airfares are most likely to fluctuate the least, it is still preferable to book at least one month in advance for the best availability, choices, and discounts.

The cheapest day (and time) to depart

According to Expedia, Australians might save up to 23% by leaving on a Friday. Additionally, Sundays are generally the most expensive days to start a vacation, so it’s better to avoid leaving on such days.

Travelers should try to leave after 3:00 p.m. to lessen the possibility of cancellation and save themselves some heartache.

- Published By Team Australia News

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Team Australia News

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